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Swedish Clocks
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Simple Grey Gustavian
Black Chinoiserie Longcase Clock
Grey Gustavian Mora
Late 18th Century Swedish Lulea clock
Sandollar F.F. Fogelberg Mora
Gold and Grey Eskilstuna Mora
Period Secretary with Clock - Circa 1810
Swedish Black Lacquered Chinoiserie - Circa 1700
Terracotta Longcase Clock
Basket of Flowers Mora
Fryksdahl domed glass Mora
18th Century Rococo Mora with Large Crown
Swedish Clockskap - Clock Cupboard - Circa 1810
Single Rose Fryksdahl
Swedish Rococo Longcase Clock
Late 18 Century Rococo Longcase Mora
Tall Dry Scraped Cream Mora Clock
Late 18th Century Rococo Mora Clock
Ebony Mora from Northern Sweden
Slender Pale Blue Mora Circa 1806
Dry Scraped Rococo Mora
Turn of the Century Rococo Mora
Heavily Carved Rococo Ljusdal
18th Century Gustavian Longcase Clock
18th Century Sundsvall by Eric Nordvall - Circa 1780
Delicate White Mora
Late 18th Century Painted Gustavian Mora
Period Stockholm Secretary - Circa 1750
Longcase clock from Halsingland
Late 18th Century Gustavian Clock
1797 Swedish Longcase clock- Sven Hansson Berglin
Swedish Fryksdalen Mora clock
Late 18th Century Swedish Norrbotten clock
18th Century Baroque Mora Clock
Frelleborg - Circa 1810
Black Chinoiserie Beauty - Circa 1800